Friday, July 3, 2009


I finally made it to Afghanistan! The flight was not too bad. We stopped in Germany for an 90 minutes then we landed at Manas Air Force Base in Kyrgyzstan. I really like Manas! It's small and quiet. I stayed there for two days and then took a C-17 to Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan. I arrived last night and I'm trying to get my bearings. Bagram is huge and we are staying on the other side of base, in what looks like a refuge camp. It's very wind, dusty and dry here. I should be heading out to FOB Finley Shields soon. I am excited to leave Bagram and set-up my new home. I have a lot of pictures to share and I will post them as soon as I can.


  1. Glad you made. Happy Fourth of July. Waiting for your pictures. Sending Love, A. Margie

  2. Glsd to hear you'r there. Happy fourth. No fireworks i hope. Keep posting. U. Mike says "Keep your eyes open and your head down".
    Love U.Mike & A.Kathy
